Live truly and with purpose

challenges, life


Live truly and with purpose

All of us face challenges in life; it is a part of our human story. It is what builds our character and leads us to form our present choices. In some cultures these challenges are seen as an important transition from adolescences to adulthood.  In fact, they are perceived as blessings; valuable lessons that lead to a deeper understanding of the world around us. This is an empowering idea that enables individuals to dear greatly in the face of their worst fears. If challenges allow us to grow and become more enlightened individuals then surely we should go out into the world fearlessly seeking out our next great challenge. However, not all cultures celebrate challenges and opt for a sense of security and predictability. Some of us use “What if” as a comfort to ourselves and a justification for not really living. Even the most persuasive feelings for adventure and curiosity cannot convince us to leave the comfort of what is familiar and predictable.

Part of this can be attributed to the way we perceive the word “challenge”. In general challenges are regarded as something to fear. They push us out of our comfort zone into the uncharted territory of the unknown. We feel exposed and vulnerable. In the West vulnerability is something that is regarded as a weakness. This faulty perception only serves to segregate us from what it is to be truly human. To be alive is to be vulnerable. We can’t protect ourselves forever in our Ivory tours. Sooner or later we must step outside and face the ugly truth of our own vulnerability. Our vulnerability is what connects us. In moments of great adversity and suffering, it is not surprising to see how people come together in community spirit to support one another. It is our natural inclination to help our fellow man in his moment of need. We do not turn our nose down on him and say “why should I help you; your suffering is of no concern to me”. Instead we help him despite our own difficulties because we recognise his vulnerability as the face of our own. Therefore it is our greatest and most important duty to ourselves to take on the challenges we fear. Face your vulnerability and celebrate what is means to be alive and to be human.